December was a challenge for me because I get a little unglued at Christmas time. Thinking about it, the word upside-down comes to mind. I was avoiding working on December's BJP until I read this post by BJP member Acey. It took guts to get by the trepidation of "what people would think" and write about her unpopular attitude toward Christmas. I took courage from her, and decided to attempt to show how it is for me. It's like this...

And here is the poem I wrote while working on it:
I am darkness
looking at Christmas,
pointing dark thoughts
at Christmas,
especially at all the hype,
the production
and the requirements
at this time of year.
I am supposed to be happy,
merry and bright.
But I am not.
I am darkness.
I want to change.
I want to hear
the sweet songs
of Christmas birds.
Where is my big heart
at Christmas?
Follow the birds.
They will help me.
You can see that the tree is surrounded by darkness and is upside-down. Yet, the tree itself (which represents Christmas) is very bright and cheerful. It seems to repel the darkness. I think the many hearts on the tree represent what I'd like the real meaning of Christmas to be. The birds and the golden star must be hope, spirituality and the possibility of change. Notice that the bird songs and star are not confined by the dark beaded edge.
December darkness has been with me for a long time... probably since my 20s. Mom has it too. Hers is Depression Era related. Her mom died when she was 11 during the Depression years. None of her relatives wanted an extra mouth to feed, so she was shifted from family to family, always with resentment toward her. I don't imagine she had much fun at Christmas. Both of us probably suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, which doesn't help. Other than Mom's influence on me, SAD and my aversion to marketing hype, I don't really know why I get so down. Maybe the birds, making this journal page and realizing that I really want to change my attitude will help next year. I hope so.
Pam Troug, another BJP Member, also used her December piece to work through some dark thoughts. One fabulous thing about being in the BJP and this blogging community is that we find kindred spirits, whether in the light, the dark or the twilight. I am so grateful for the opportunity to stitch my thoughts and feelings in the company of understanding and supportive souls.
Thank you!