July - Bombs Bursting in Air

November - Can of Worms

December - Unconditional Love
I love the size and textural quality to Thom's embellished quilts. He has quite a thing going with these, don't you think?
Speaking of Thom (my brother)... He and Jennifer (his wife) are driving north from where they live in Santa Cruz (CA) to the Oregon Coast tomorrow. At the same time, Robert and I will be driving south. We'll meet in Reedsport, which is a town located in the heart of the Dunes. We have a vacation rental reserved for a whole week.
Thom and I will be stitching away on our bead and quilt projects for most of the week, while Robert treks through the Dunes with cameras in hand. Jennifer likes to walk on the beaches and read. We're all chomping at the bit to get past the packing stage and on the road.
Another perk for this trip, is that Thom and I will take a day to visit BeadBabe49 (Bobbi Kirk), also a BJP member... We get to visit with her, see her pages and shop at both her local quilt shop and bead shop! Wheee!
New book news! I'm in the final stages of proofreading and expect to go to print on about March 15. Cross your fingers that it will be available April 15th! How 'bout that as a way to celebrate tax day!
The title is...
Heart to Hand Bead Embroidery
Fresh Ideas and Techniques for Creating Art with Beads
Thanks to all of you for all of your helpful suggestions regarding the title. As you can see some of them have found their way into my final decision. I'm beyond excited about how it's looking... Color pictures on every page... it's glorious!