Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas ~ Joyful Solstice ~ Happy New Year!

May your days
be merry and bright
this holiday season!

bead embroidery by Robin Atkins, Light Within, door closed
May peace and love
surround you
wherever you go!

bead embroidery by Robin Atkins, Light Within, door open
May the light within
shine with warmth
and good will for all!

Thank you for being
my blogging friends...
you are special to me!


  1. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Wow, this is incredible! The opening door on this piece with light and love flowing outward is so welcoming and a beautiful greeting!
    Thank you, Robin.

  2. Happy Holidays, Robin! May your days be filled with hope, happiness and beads (not necessarily in that order)!

  3. Hope your holidays are the best yet! I'm looking forward to starting the new BJP in January.

  4. Happy Holidays to you too...and I can hardly wait for the fun to begin on the first!

  5. Ahh, same to you Robin. Nice to see a piece just like you - welcoming and warm. Simply beautiful - both the piece and you.

    Thanks for all you do!

  6. I do remember this piece and the story behind it, one of my favorites!! Who am i kidding, how can I ahve favorites!!??? Every one of your pieces is so specail!! i can't wait to clear the decks to get ready for the start of BJP 2010!! I did not miss the deadline for signup this Year!!!!!
    Happy Solstice to you and merry CHristams as well!

  7. To All ~ Thanks for your good wishes... They warm my heart!

    To Elizabeth ~ I'm soooooooo glad you didn't miss the deadline this year!

  8. And to you too! Happy 2010!

  9. oh dear Robin, YOU are so special and I am so very pleased that Christmastime holds more light for you now. I remember when you did this page - how thrilled you were about the change in your feelings - and one year on, those feelings still hold. Glory be, ain't that GRAND?!?!?!

    Wishing you & yours the very best of the season!

  10. Have just discovered your blog.
    Fabulous designs, so inspirational.
    I will be returning regularly.

  11. Very intriguing I think your best work is at the top and at the bottom of your artwork (just my humble opinion) :) Came over from Sweetpea blog.

  12. Beth Daly8:28 AM

    Robin, I wanted to say Thank You for sending me my books, and for your WONDERFUL blog! You have really inspired me to pick up a needle and get to bead journaling! May you and yours have a wonderful, peaceful, joyful holiday season!
    Beth Daly

  13. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I love your blog! Some terrific stuff here!!


  14. Happy holidays, Robin !

  15. nice posting. very good work. thank you. :)


  16. Wishing you the loveliest of holidays, dear Robin!

    Kathy V in NM

  17. Those were the best beady wishes ever! Have a great holiday. Best is yet to come.

  18. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Happy holidays dear Robin. So pleased to have found you.

  19. Thank you Robin, I wish you the same! Your work, as always, is incredible. I hope your New Year is filled with joy and everything that is good. Hugs my friend!

  20. Happy New Year, Robin! Here's hoping it's filled with beady goodness and cheer all around.
    Kathy B


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